Five Roses came to the service on Sunday 20th August 2017 for some photographs of the occasion at St John's church.

The Harvest Festival for 2017 was held on Sunday 1st October. Click Here for some photographs of the occasion at St John's church.

 Here are some photographs of Harvest Festival 2017 at Ballymacgellicott church.

Ballymcgellicott Halloween Party 2017 Click Here

Some old music sheets handed back to St John's church Click Here

The Youth Group's Day at Fenit Island Click Here

Decorations of St John's church Tralee

More photographs of the Harvest Fstival 2017 held at St John's church Tralee Click Here

Photographs of the CBS School attended the annual service at St John's church Tralee Click Here

More photographs of the Youth Group on Fenit Island Click Here

School Christmas Play at St John's on Sunday 10th December 2017

Soup Kitchen at Teach an tSolais

Award Presented to Soup Kitchen